Though usualy its quite easy to tell a what whoes a noob and whoes not but today i'd like to help you make sure! These five quality categorys below are the most common among noobs and if anyone you see has atleast 2 of these then they are an officaly declared noob!
CATEGORY 1: "Will you come to my place?"
Asking and harassing people to come to their place is a sure sign of noobhood! There is actually a script in free models that kicks noobs that say the phrase "Will you come to my place?".This category also happens to count as 2 if the person is threatening people if they dont come to their places.
Another good sign of being a noob is threatening such as "I'm gunna hack you! or "I know your password!" or even more so if he replaces hack with "HAX".
CATEGORY 3: Spawnkilling and Teamkilling
The third sign of noobishness would be Spawnkilling and Teamkilling for no reason or even worse when asked to stop saying things like "LOL NO" "I R TEH PWNZOR!".
CATEGORY 4: "Can you please donate?"
Asking for donations of any sort unless from a friend is a COMPLETE sign up noobhood and the fourth one we have listed today.
CATEGORY 5: Spamming
Spamming an items comments with fake glitches or spamming a game with repeated messages that often make no sense is the last sign of the noob we will be discussing today.
Well those are the Five Signs of Noobs Hood! remember if a person has atleast 2 of these they are a NOOB!
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