Would you like us to advertise your roblox games on our website? Do you want tons of more place visits and help you get your places popular? Well now you! With our Pay to get advertised program! Heres how it works: Just buy one of these t-shirts then message the account "Diosus" on roblox telling me what place you want advertised,its not my fault if you bought the shirt but your place doesent get advertised because you didint message me.
Heres the shirts to buy:
1. 100 robux shirt - 1 day advertised on this website
2. 300 robux shirt - 5 days advertised on this website
3. 500 robux shirt - 1 week advertised on this website
as ive said after buying one the shirts message the account "Diosus" on roblox telling me what shirt you bought and which of your places you want advertised and it will get advertised on the site :3